What is PDCA?

PDCA is a very popular system used for problem solving and process improvement in businesses around the world. It stands for, ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act.’ PDCA is a cyclical system applied in business to keep improving things with the goal of eliminating any type of defects, waste, or other problem. Companies should never settle for ‘good enough’ so having this type of system that pushes improvement forward at all times can be very helpful.

Why Continuous Improvement?

On the surface it seems obvious that using a system like PDCA for continuous improvement is a good idea. It is, however, often difficult to get buy in from other parties in a company. This is because continuous improvement does take a lot of effort. It also often requires an investment of time and money, which can be a challenge if the executive leadership is not on board.

The fact is, however, that if a company is not constantly working to improve the way they do things, they will quickly fall behind in their industry. It should always be assumed that competitors are working hard at innovating, eliminating waste, and improving the way everything is done. In many cases, companies will be using systems like PDCA to help facilitate these improvements. Over the course of time this can help to push even a new company in an industry to rise up and surpass companies that have been doing things the same way for years.

Implementing PDCA

Another great thing about the PDCA system is that it is so easy to implement. Once people are provided the training they need to understand what PDCA is, they can begin working on various improvement opportunities. Even in areas where everything appears to be running smoothly it will be very easy to spot problems or places that can get better. Allowing people to start working on things that can get better will help to drive a facility forward.


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