Custom GHS Labels
$4.75 -
GHS Labeling Poster
$28.95 -
GHS Pictogram Poster
$28.95 -
LabelTac® RTK Color Bar Labels
$199.99 -
HMIS Labels
Hazard rating labels to
improve hazard communication.
Hazard communication is essential to the safety of any facility that uses or stores hazardous chemicals. In order to make sure your workers are informed, safe, and protected, a Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) is key. Using both GHS and OSHA HazCom standards, HMIS is the numerical hazard rating educational tool used to keep workers safe and businesses compliant.
HMIS is invaluable to any industrial facility, and these HMIS labels help workers learn how to navigate this rating system. Safety is a key ingredient in any successful business, and ensuring that workers can navigate labels correctly on how to handle hazardous material means your facility is less likely to see chemical-related accidents.
Free OSHA Label and Sign Chart
Recognize hazard signs at a glance with a free chart of OSHA’s sign and label color scheme.
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