Safety Gloves
Safety gloves are essential to staying safe.
In industrial settings, hands are essential instruments—most of us use them to do our jobs, operate machinery, and pick up our paychecks. Safety gloves protect your hands from wear and damage, and can help minimize injury in the case of workplace accidents.

Protective Footwear
Designed with protection and comfort in mind.
Protective footwear provides crucial protection to one of the most important, yet often overlooked, tools: your feet. This PPE is built with worker safety in mind, so in tough, harsh industrial environments, your workers can stay safe and injury-free.

Safety Vests
Avoid injury and save lives wearing high-vis safety vests.
No construction or industrial zone is a completely safe working environment, and the need to be highly-visible is very important for any employee. Bright work vests and waterproof jackets will help keep you visible to vehicles, cranes, forklifts, and any other possible hazards in the work zone.

Eyewear Protection
Save your sight and remain compliant.
Your eyes are two of the most important organs in your body, and many jobsites are dangerous environments for them. In most industrial and construction workplaces, it is the illegal to work without personal protective equipment (PPE), and that includes eye protection.

Hearing Protection
Ensure workers aren’t experiencing long-term injuries.
Industrial settings are harsh and unforgiving, and it’s important for workers to protect themselves against these taxing conditions. Hearing protection combats the damage caused by being in such close proximity to loud machinery for a prolonged period of time.

Hard Hats
Wearing a hard hat is the law industrial workplaces.
Whenever there is a potential for injury to the head from falling objects, ANSI-compliant head protection must be worn. All of our hard hats comply with ANSI Z89.1-2003 and include Type I and Type II levels of head protection.

Fall Protection
Avoid the number one OSHA violation in 2018.
Fall protection covers safety measures that protect workers walking or working on platforms, roofing activities, residential construction, and protection from falling through holes, as well as ensuring that tools used by workers in elevated environments don’t drop their tools on those working below.

Respiratory Protection
Keep your workers healthy and protected.
It’s no secret that industrial jobs often include dirty, smelly, and tough work, but sometimes these environments are so harsh that even breathing can be harmful. For those occasions, workers must have respiratory protection.

PPE Signs
Keep safety at the forefront of workers' minds.
PPE safety signs & PPE required signs help remind workers to wear the proper equipment, and informs visitors of what’s needed to safely enter certain areas.