Takt time is the ratio of available production time to customer demand. Many Lean professionals refer to Takt time as the heartbeat of a just-in-time production system as it is used to schedule production to meet demand. The simple formula for Takt time is:

T = Ta ÷ D

In order to complete the Takt time formula, you will need to identify both available time per shift and the rate of customer demand per day. The process can be confusing and all too often managers get wrapped up with the numbers. This easy-to-use calculator is designed will calculate each factor of the Takt time formula and give you the optimal pace for your production process. The ratio of “X minutes per piece” is a simple way to determine what the processes in your facility must be capable of.


What’s next?

Using this information, you can now begin leveling and smoothing your production line. If your production line is not meeting demand, the first step is to assess the production line for any bottlenecks and eliminate them. Next, you will want to categorize work tasks as value-adding activities or non-value-adding activities and begin eliminating the activities that do not add value. When scheduling production, balance the workload between operators and be sure operators know the capacity of their equipment.

Production leveling, another important element of Lean manufacturing, has several benefits. It will help you in calculating the capacity of your machines, make any issues on the production line apparent, and reduce changeover times.

Additional Takt Time facts:

  • Takt time is a key concept in Lean manufacturing, which is a systematic approach to reducing waste and improving efficiency in production processes. Takt time is the rate at which you need to complete a product or service to satisfy customer demand. Source: https://businessmap.io/continuous-flow/takt-time
  • Takt time was first used as a production management tool in the German aircraft industry in the 1930s. It was the interval at which aircraft were moved ahead to the next production station. The word takt is German for a precise interval of time such as a musical meter. Source: https://www.lean.org/lexicon-terms/takt-time/
  • Takt time provides the heartbeat of a lean production system. It helps to synchronize the flow of materials and information along the value stream, balance the workload among different processes, and eliminate overproduction and inventory. Source: https://www.lean.org/lexicon-terms/takt-time/
  • Takt time can be applied to different industries and sectors, such as construction, software development, healthcare, and education. The purpose is to align the production or service delivery with the customer needs and expectations. Source: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/takt-time

Available Time per Shift: 540 minutes

Net Working Time per Shift: 470 minutes

Net Working Time per Shift: 28,200 seconds

Net Available Time per Day: 56,400 seconds

Takt Time = 564 seconds / 9.4 minutes per piece

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