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It's Pipe Marking Season! Are you in Compliance?
Now that the snow is melting and spring is springing, this is a good time to check your pipes and make sure they are properly labeled.
If you discover your pipes are not labeled and you are not in compliance with ANSI/ASME standards, spring is a good time to start your pipe marking projects.
5 steps to help you prepare for a pipe marking project:
Step 1: Learn the requirements
The ANSI/ASME A13.1 standard explains the sizes, colors, and placement instructions for pipe markings. Familiarize yourself with this standard.
Step 2: Take inventory of pipes
Survey your facility and identify the types of pipes present. For large facilities, consulting a map or diagram may be useful.
Step 3: Make a list of needed labels
Include the colors and sizes of all labels you’ll need, as well as their quantities and where they will be placed.
Step 4: Decide on a method
You can order pre-printed labels or make labels in-house with an industrial label printer.
Step 5: Schedule time for installation
Select a time when you will least disrupt workers. Employ a team to make large installation projects go more quickly if necessary.
Creative Safety Supply is committed to being your safety and labeling experts. We provide a wide range of industrial safety products to increase visual awareness, safety and Lean practices. Call today!
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