What is the Lean Manufacturing System?

The lean manufacturing system is a set of strategies focused on improving the production process in many different areas. Lean methodologies are used throughout almost every industry, so the lean manufacturing system is a sub-category of lean concepts in general. Manufacturing is where people are generally most familiar with lean concepts though since a constant focus on efficiency and improvement is how companies are able to remain competitive. 

The main goal of the lean manufacturing system is to optimize productivity within a given area while reducing the amount of waste that is produced as much as possible. This is accomplished through continuous improvement efforts. When discussing lean manufacturing, it is important to understand waste as anything that does not add value to the customers that purchase the end product. For example, if a facility is offering a product that is painted red, but customers actually do not care about its color at all, it would be considered waste. The facility could eliminate the painting process and resources without lowering the price or reducing sales. 

There are many other types of waste that are identified within this system. Constantly working to eliminate waste within the workplace helps companies to operate more efficiently. This, of course, helps to improve their competitiveness and improve their profitability. In addition, companies that are more efficient are generally going to have less of an impact on the environment, which is very beneficial. 

Companies interested in the lean manufacturing system will want to take the time to learn as much about it as possible. When implemented properly, it can provide significant benefits to the company, employees, customers, and others.