Asbestos Warning Signs

Asbestos Warning Signs

Keep workers informed and
reduce asbestos exposure.

Protect the health and safety of workers and visitors from asbestos-containing materials with Asbestos Warning Signs. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of multiple thin fibrous crystals. When inhaled, these fibrous crystals can damage your lungs and cause severe life-threatening conditions such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and even lung cancer. Although most uses of asbestos has been banned in multiple countries, it can still be found in a variety of construction materials, heat resistant products, and auto lubricant. Thankfully the production and use of asbestos has decreased over time, but exposure to asbestos fibers is still very much possible. Asbestos particles are released into the air by disturbing any asbestos-containing material, which commonly occurs during demolition work, home building, maintenance, and remodeling.

Asbestos Warning Signs can help prevent developing lung disease by giving individuals the information they need to reduce the risk of exposure. Below, you’ll find a wide range of Asbestos Warning Signs that advise wearing PPE in construction zones, to prevent dust clouds, or to simply avoid certain areas where asbestos is found. If you’re unable to find the exact sign that you’re looking for, or need to make adjustments to any of our pre-existing signs, please let us know! We’re happy to customize any sign to fit your exact specific needs. Just call us at 1-866-777-1360!

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