Eye Protection Signs
Decrease the chance of eye-related injuries and accidents.
Eyes are an important tool; eye protection signs decrease the chance of eye-related injuries and accidents. Strong safety programs keep workers safe and facilities operating efficiently and productively, and no safety program is complete without eye protection.
Foot Protection Signs
Remind workers to wear footwear that decreases their chance of injury.
Foot protection signs remind workers of the necessity of personal protective equipment (PPE) in designated areas. Industrial worksites are full of hazards at every turn; the right PPE is paramount to workers’ safety and health.
Gloves Required Signs
Alert workers of what PPE is required in designated areas.
In industrial settings, wearing the right PPE is crucial to worker safety. Glove required signs inform workers of protocol and instructs them to wear the proper equipment.
Hand Protection Signs
Promote awareness in areas where with an increased risk of hand injuries.
any machines have pinch points, or have blades capable of severing fingers, or are so hot they could burn flesh. Hand protection signs inform of the risks ahead and instruct how to protect yourself from these dangers.
Hard Hat Signs
Remind people to put on essential PPE with hard hat signs.
Construction sites will always carry hazards, but visual communication like hard hat signs reduces danger and helps companies stay in compliance with important safety standards.
Hearing Protection Signs
Identify hearing loss hazards and instruct workers on how to protect themselves.
It’s easy to get used to loud, unpleasant noises, but doing so can cause grave, long-term harm to your hearing. Hearing protection signs help workers of hearing loss hazards so they can protect one of their most valuable tools: their ears.
Protective Clothing Signs
Inform workers of the hazards present and instruct how to avoid injury.
When working around caustic, corrosive materials like sulfuric acid, protective clothing signs are essential. Personal protective equipment (PPE) can be the difference between a close call and a catastrophic accident. Keep workers safe; let protective clothing signs help.
Respirator Signs
Visually communicate the dangers of respiratory hazards.
Respirators should be worn in areas where dust, metal fumes, solvent vapors, infectious agents, chemical hazards, or oxygen deficiencies are a concern. Respirator signs ensure that workers are informed about the hazards and know what PPE should be worn to combat these dangers.
Wear Safety Glasses Signs
Remind and instruct workers on how to properly protect themselves.
Personal Protection Equipment like safety glasses protect a workers eyes from foreign objects like dust, projectiles, and other harmful materials, and Wear Safety Glasses signs increases the likelihood of folks wearing this vital PPE.