Restricted Area Signs

Restricted Area Signs

Clearly restrict access in
hazardous or unauthorized areas.

Alert unknowing employees or visiting faculty of off-limit areas with restricted area signs. Posting access by permission only signs to limit unauthorized persons or vehicles is an optimal way to exercise safety. By posting the right restricted area signs around your workplace or industry, you can limit the possibility of accidents by preventing people from entering high-risk areas. Visible restricted area signs help alert individuals from potential dangers ahead and practice safety on their own.

Purpose of Restricted Area Signs

The purpose of restricted area signs is to limit unguarded personnel into potentially dangerous zones. These areas or rooms likely contain hazardous substances such as chemicals that potentially be harmful if handled without protective gear. By placing restricted area signs, you limit access and deter workers through restricted area signage or automated locks, which enables a culture of safety and security.

Restricted area signage & Do Not Enter signs come in a variety of colors, shapes, designs, and messaging such as "Authorized Personnel Only" or "No Trespassing." Restricted area signs feature both English and Spanish and are made with tough, industrial-strength material that guarantees top performance. Floor signs are built with rugged, low-profile materials so that signs can withstand heavy foot and forklift traffic.

Customize Your Restricted Area Sign

The nature of workplaces varies and so do their safety procedures. Employers or companies can customize their restricted area signs relating to the nature of their work. Customizing your restricted area signs provides clear instructions that enhance the level of safety that coincides with the safety requirements of your workplace.

Creative Safety Supply offers the opportunity to customize your restricted area sign per your workplace culture. This offers the benefit of adequately communicating the warning message through visually restricted area signage to your employees. Ensuring employees adhere to safety guidelines is an utmost priority for workplaces with a high risk in occupational accidents like construction sites or establishments using chemical hazardous substances.

Categories of Restricted Area Signage

Restricted area signage is designed to enhance the security and safety practices of the workplace. Creating a barrier between unguarded employees from potential danger is an effective practice to combat occupational accidents. The categories of restricted access signs can be broken down into several categories.

Authorized Personnel Only: This restricted area sign dictates the granted access of a particular set of employees that are equipped for the work beyond.

Employees Only: Restricted Area Signage indicating the access of strict employees warns the insusceptible general public from stepping in between hazardous workplace practices.

Visitors Must Register at Office: Construction sites or pharmaceutical companies are areas where occupational accidents take place. One-time visitors are foreign to the safety procedures, so reminding visiting faculty to register at the main office with restricted area signage allows them to safely maneuver around the workplace.

Restricted Area Authorized Personnel Only Sign

Mounting up restricted area signage clearly stating the off-limits of unauthorized personnel helps ensure the safety of visiting faculty and other employees. Restricted area signage acts as a safety barrier preventing exposure to dangerous chemicals or substances. Mounting up efficient restricted area signage with clear messages at visible places ensures the safety of your employees.

Browse our restricted area signs below. Need a specialized restricted area signage for your facility? No problem. We’re happy to customize signs and labels to fit your specific needs. Call us at 1-886-777-1360!

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