Here at Creative Safety Supply, we firmly believe that strategically placed visual communication can help any facility prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. Safety signs can be placed in offices, manufacturing plants, warehouses,... More details
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Inside - Wall Sign Automated External Defibrillators are quickly becoming an essential component of first aid within many work environments. When an employee requires the assistance of a life saving AED device it... More details
AED Inside Portrait - Wall Sign Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have become an important first aid tool in the workplace. These devices restore normal heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest. Help to ensure that trained employees know the... More details
AED Below Wall Signs Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are lifesaving devices that have become critical safety tools of almost all employment facilities. These devices assist in restoring heart rhythm if a person suddenly experiences cardiac... More details
AED Below Wall Signs
$18.99 -
AED Green and White Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) have become important first aid tools in the workplace. These life-saving devices can help people experiencing cardiac arrest by restoring a normal heart rhythm. However, if AED devices cannot... More details
AED Sign Green and White
$18.99 -
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) - Wall Sign This “AED – Automated External Defibrillator” wall sign is the perfect way to mark the location of your AED and keep your facility prepared and ready for any type of cardiac... More details
This AED with Icon Yellow Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign... More details
AED Inside Green and White Large Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are very important lifesaving devices that can actually make the difference between life and death during unexpected cardiac arrest situations. However, in order for AEDs to be... More details
This AED Automated External Defibrillator with Icon Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere... More details
AED (Arrow Up) - Floor Signs A great sign for hospitals, care centers, or any workplace with an accessible first aid storage, this AED floor sign is a perfect way to visually communicate the location of your facilities Automated External... More details
AED (Arrow Up) - Floor Signs
$18.50 -
This CPR Instructions with Icon Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors,... More details
AED Inside Office - Wall Sign For those who run large industrial facilities and offices, it’s incredibly important to keep an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on hand in an easy-to-access location and reminding staff where it can be... More details
Medical Oxygen/AED (Arrow Up) - Floor Signs A Perfect sign for hospitals, care centers, or any workplace with emergency storage compartments for advanced first aid. This Medical Oxygen/AED floor sign is a great visual marker for letting those in... More details
This Hands Only CPR with Icon Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign... More details
AED Inside - Floor Sign This “AED Inside” floor sign is designed to quickly and accurately let everyone in the area know where your facilities Automated External Defibrillator is located. AED’s can often be found facilities... More details
AED Inside - Floor Sign
$18.50 -
This Notice: Artificial Respiration Procedure Landscape is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors,... More details
This CPR Station Landscape - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign posts,... More details
Create Custom Write-On Sign
$18.99 -
This Two Steps To Save A Life CPR with Icons Landscape - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such... More details
This CPR Station Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign posts,... More details
This AED & CPR First Aid Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign... More details
This Notice: Emergency Call 911 Portrait is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign posts,... More details
This Notice: Call 911 Fire Rescue Police Portrait is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign... More details
This AED with Icon and Arrow Portrait - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors, sign... More details
This Notice: CPR is as Easy as C-A-B - Wall Sign is constructed using durable, industrial-grade materials, and is designed to be easily noticeable from a distance. Our wall signs such as this one, can be mounted anywhere necessary, such as doors,... More details
AED Inside Landscape - Wall Sign Make sure your facility is prepared for any type of cardiac emergency with an easy-to-access, on-site AED (Automated External Defibrillator). By mounting an “AED Inside” sign either outside of the room the... More details
CPR Signs

Post helpful reminders to remind
everyone what to do in emergencies.
CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an emergency procedure conducted during medical emergencies, such as in the event of a worker suffering cardiac arrest. While CPR will hopefully not have to be conducted in your workplace, CPR signs can help provide reminders on how to perform CPR, as well as point the way to AED and medical oxygen locations.
Being able to quickly find this emergency medical equipment, and quickly conducting CPR, can translate into saving a life. Additionally, we have signs instructing employees to follow the American Heart Association's guidelines for hands only CPR. CPR signs are an essential aspect to the emergency safety plan of any facility. Get started on implementing yours today by taking a look at Creative Safety Supply’s offering of CPR signs below.
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Learn the required components of OSHA safety signs.
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