DVD Kits

DVD Kits

Lean manufacturing and
workplace safety training materials.

DVD kits help your team continue to learn and progress. Training is the backbone to successful workers. It’s from training that employees learn how—and perhaps more importantly, how not to—do their duties, and expands their knowledge on the various topics of their field. On-the-job training is elemental to improving processes and adds to your workers’ arsenal of skills and talents. The foundational Lean method Kaizen states that workplaces should always strive for improvement at every turn; these DVD kits can help.

DVD kits cover a variety of topics and manufacturing tactics. Topics include: 5S methodology, Lean manufacturing, hygiene, hazard communication, and so much more.

Free PPE E-Book

Free PPE E-Book

Learn how to create an effective, compliant PPE program.


No purchase necessary. Entry Deadline: September, 30 2024. Printer Value: $1,299.00.

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  • 5S Revealed - 5S And The Visual Workplace Training Video
  • Lean Revealed - Lean Manufacturing in Today's Workplace
  • El Taller 5S - Spanish 5S Garage

    El Taller 5S - Spanish 5S Garage

  • 5S Revealed - 5S And The Visual Workplace DVD

    5S Revealed - 5S And The Visual Workplace DVD


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