Levey Jennings Chart

No matter what industry you work in, gathering and analyzing data is very important. Being able to get as many insights out of the data that is collected as possible will help any company to be able to better plan for the future, improve workflow, and enjoy many other benefits. One popular option for analyzing data is known as a Levey Jennings Chart.

Like most charts, the Levey Jennings chart has data across both the X and the Y-axis. In addition to these normal data points, there is a Gaussian, or bell curve. The bell curve is generated using the data from the main section of the chart and can be used to see at a glance whether the data being entered is within the expected ranges.

In general, Levey Jennings Charts have the days of the month on the X-axis and then the Y-axis has data from whatever is being monitored.  This allows teams to track things over the course of time and make sure that everything is going as expected.

There are many different scenarios where this type of chart can be useful. For example, in manufacturing you can use the chart to track how many products are being produced each day, or how many defects are found each day. You can also enter in different types of errors to see where the problems exist.

Understanding how to use Levey Jennings charts, and when they are appropriate, is important for most types of industries. They can give a lot of data in an easy-to-understand format. This data can also give real time, or near-real time results when you have the data fed in from the machines or other systems. Whether you are in management, safety, quality control, you will find that this type of chart is a great resource for yourself and everyone on your team.


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